
Zora Neale Hurston Qualities

Decent Essays

Their Eyes Were Watching God What qualities make a good man? For Janie Crawford the protagonist in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God a good man should be loyal, considerate, compassionate, and selfless. Janie is a young, beautiful African American woman. Throughout the story, Janie married three different men. Each man possessed some good qualities but in the end only one was right for Janie. Although Logan Killicks, Janie’s first husband, is a landowner, and Joe Starks, Janie’s second husband, is a successful business man neither of them ultimately make Janie happy. Tea Cake, Janie’s third husband, is not wealthy, but he best exemplifies good husband qualities. Janie’s first husband is Logan Killicks. Logan is a great …show more content…

He wins her heart with his energy, and willingness to make Janie his equal. Tea Cake is the only husband that actually takes a genuine interest in Janie. He takes her hunting, fishing, and plays checkers with her. She especially enjoys playing chess, the fact that he considers her intelligent enough to learn such a game shows that he thinks more of Janie than Logan or Joe ever did. The town disapproves of Janie and Tea Cake because he is poor and younger than her. They have the impression that he is just after her money. Janie and Tea Cake leave the town of Eatonville and travel to a town called Jacksonville where Tea Cake has work. The sense of gender equality is very important to Janie in a relationship. Tea Cake asks Janie to work alongside him in the Everglades fields. Logan and Joe both wanted her to work, but she resented it. The difference is that Logan wanted Janie to do hard labor because he thought of her as an object like a workhorse. Joe wanted Janie to work in the store, which she also disliked because Joe just wanted to publicly display her as his trophy wife. Tea Cake’s attitude about Janie working is completely different. He gives her the choice of working and doesn’t command her. Janie goes to work the next day, “So the very next morning Janie got ready to pick beans along with Tea Cake. There was a suppressed murmur when she picked up a basket and went to work. She was already getting to be a special case on the muck. It was generally assumed that she thought herself too good to work like the rest of the women and that Tea Cake "pomped her up tuh dat." But all day long the romping and playing they carried on behind the boss’s back made her popular right away.”(133) This is the first relationship that Janie doesn’t care to work. She actually likes working alongside Tea Cake. As time passes the town gets word of a hurricane coming. All the people start fleeing to different places, but the boss

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