
Workplace Bullying Essay

Decent Essays

Workplace Bullying
Bullying in the workplace is a larger than life problem victims are everywhere. The act of bullying comes in many different forms and actions and is an unethical behavior. Have you or someone you know been a victim of workplace bullying? To answer the question, in most cases if not ourselves we know someone that has experienced workplace bullying. The statistical numbers according to Namie (2014), recorded in Workplace Bullying Institute in the section labeled the key findings, the statistics provide the same information in a similar statement “27% have current or past direct experience with abusive conduct at work” (Namie, 2014, para. 2). The description of bullying is defined and recognized as an extreme issue in the …show more content…

The resource outlines how bullying is a behavior that damages the workforce. Further explanations by the authors Matthiesen and Einarsen (2010, p. 203), share “Workplace bullying is, of course, a highly unpleasant and even devastating experience to face bullying in a daily work situation” (p. 203). The documentation references multiple times about the imbalance of power. It also discusses how aggression is directed, along with the organizational outcomes. The authors, Matthiesen and Einarsen (2010) identify by stating, “Solid research based information on the causes and consequences of workplace bullying are needed to develop sound interventions and preventive strategies” (p.236). This article concludes with remarks on the negative consequence of bullying and validates how much further documentation is needed for all workplace bullying. For the current documented information it does exhibit these action are wrongful acts. Bullying in the workplace must be addressed, removed, and eradicated otherwise individuals continue to feel they can remain to act and do, as they have been, which is stated throughout the document as part of the workplace …show more content…

Bullying can and often does continue throughout the entire life of an individual. Bullying causes fear, depression, anxiety, and illnesses to most all the victims. All individuals need to recognize what are considered bullying actions and realize how the affects can detrimental to the person that is bullied. Bullying exists in workplaces everyday just as they have in the childhood years. The differences are obvious at how the actions are relative in being an adult verses a child. In the workplace, we experience bullying actions usually by someone in the authoritative position. Other times it can be an occurrence performed by peers or subordinates. The malicious actions usually stay within the boundaries of policy or procedures, which makes it challenging to rectify or eliminate. The act is meant to hurt someone, and can be experienced through mental, physical, or emotional conflict. The acts can intimidate, offend, degrade, threaten, and or humiliate a person or even a group of people. All of these actions can be described as power through

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