
Women 's Rights Of Women

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Women’s Rights is an extremely ethical topic that is surrounded by ethical theories and has a lot of history. While some of the theoretical systems in ethics have helped to gain women their rights, others have assisted in preventing women rights. Women in America have seen much improvement in our modern day society regarding Women’s Rights, but what about the women in less economically stable countries? Women continue to fight against abuse, hatred, and discrimination worldwide. I will be discussing not only Women’s Rights history, but also several theoretical systems and how they have impacted Women’s Rights in America and other countries.
Women have fought for equal rights for many centuries. Prior to the twentieth century women in America often stayed home to cook, clean and take care of the children. Women were not given an opinion on the household, they simply did what they were told to do. Women typically did not work or go to school, and were often viewed as domestic beings while men were the head of the house hold. It was not until the late 1800’s, some women were able to volunteer as nurses or housekeepers to help during the Civil War (Sivulka). Women assisted in caring for the injured, as well as cooking meals for the soldiers and doing laundry. Even though the tasks were similar, just feeling needed in another environment other than home was probably fulfilment in itself. After the Civil War, the progress seemed to stall. In fact it was not until about the

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