
Women 's Issue Paper : Abortion

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Woman’s Issue Paper: Abortion Abortion: a·bor·tion/əˈbôrSH(ə)n/noun 1. the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy (" "). One in every three women have an abortion by the age of 45 (Operation Rescue Inc). Though the act of abortion is common it has been an emotionally draining debate since the mid 1970’s, but has always been a hot topic since the 1800’s. There are two sides to this debate. One side is pro-life, in which people believe abortion should be illegal to protect the unborn baby. The other side is pro choice, where the mother of the unborn decides if that fetus lives or dies. It is argued by pro-life that at the minute of conception the fetus …show more content…

Once banned, women who were in dire need of an abortion for whatever personal reason were revoked of that right. The accessibility of an abortion was determined by your race, age and financial status. Women who did not fall under these guidelines were subjected to dangerous at home procedures using tools such as coat hangers or knitting needles (OBOS Abortion Contributors). This was found to be even more unsafe than done legally, so action was taken. A network of pastors and feminists made it accessible for women to partake in illegal but safe abortions. These services spread by word of mouth all over the United States (OBOS Abortion Contributors) . This system was kept in place until 1973. Inspired by the civil rights movement, women in the United States became a united front against illegal abortion. Eventually the U.S Supreme Court ruled against all existing criminal abortion laws with the Roe w. Wade verdict (OBOS Abortion Contributors). The Roe v. Wade case consisted of a woman, who sought to terminate her pregnancy by abortion in the state of Texas. This ruling was found under the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution, where citizens have the right of privacy within the concept of personal liberty. After this

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