
William Wordsworth Research Paper

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William Wordsworth “Fill your paper with breathings of your heart.” William Wordsworth was a poet who not only inspired himself, but also inspired a number others. As some may know he was a son, brother, and a father. But most importantly, he was a famous poet. He never once let his rough and tragic lifetime get in the way of his creative writing.
II: Historical Information from Author’s Time
William Wordsworth was a poet who wrote in the Romantic Era. The Romantic Era lasted approximately fifty years. It is estimated that the era began around 1800, and ended in around 1850. The Romantic Period is often described as a period that was an artistic, musical, literary, and intellectual movement that took place toward the ending of the eighteenth …show more content…

There were several authors in the Romantic Era including; William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. The authors mentioned above used poetry as an escape, an escape to deal with the Revolutions bloody outcome. It is said the Romantic Era ended around 1850.
III: Author’s Background, Beginnings as a Writer, and Famous Writings
Wordsworth was born on April 7,1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. His parents were Anne Cookson Wordsworth, and John Wordsworth. He was also second of five children. His siblings were made up of three brothers, and one sister. The brothers were: Richard, John, and Christopher. While his sister was Dorothy. He and Dorothy had a very tight-knit relationship, and lifelong friendship in one another. Anne Wordsworth died at the age of on March 11, 1778 at the age of 31 while she was visiting a friend in London. At the time if her death, William was the age of 8. His sister Dorothy was then sent to live with her mother’s cousin in Halifax, Yorkshire in June of 1778. He lost his father and became on orphan in 1783 at the age of 13. As a child, he attended Hawkshead Grammar School, where it is believed he made his first attempt at verse. After his mother’s death and Dorothy’s departure, the Wordsworth boys continued …show more content…

Only being three stanzas long, this poem became known as a favorite among many of the early readers considered it a favorite. The poem is about a young woman or lady that Wordsworth admired, known in the poem as a “maid”. He connected nature to the poem because he made a connection with nature at an early age, and most-likely thought as highly of her as he did nature. But everything changes when you think hard about it. Wordsworth uses the word dwelt, and when thought about we would soon realize that the woman he loved was

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