
Why We Should Get Less School Hours

Decent Essays

Do we the students get the amount of sleep we need? Studys show that we don’t. Students outside of school have activiteys that take up a lot of time not including homework. School shcould start later and end earlier so the studenst can get more sleep before school. School-age childern should get idealy 10.5 hours of sleep every night and if they don’t it can affect their prefromance in school. Most studenst have activities outside of school. These activities take up a lot of time witch mean they eat dinner and start homework latter. When the studenst get home they still have to eat dinner and do homework. Sometimes homework can take hours to do witch would make the students stay up late to finishit. The students should get less homework so they can sleep and preform well in school. …show more content…

School starts ealy in the mornign so the studenst need to get up erarlier to be ready in time for school. Some studenst even walk or ride the bus to school whitch can add an hour or mabey more to their morning, taking away time that they could spend sleeping. If the students sleep for only 8 hours, witch is less than the recommended amount of time. School takes up almost half of the day, the rest of the time they spend doing other activites, homework, and eating. If school started later then the studenst could sleep more, and if school ended earlier they would have more time to do the after school activites that they partake

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