
Recycling Public Good Essay

Decent Essays

Recycling can be very interesting and fun if you take the time to learn about it and its benefits. The reason that motivated me into choosing this topic is the fact that I am a recycler and I have experienced some the benefits first hand. I am so used to my habits towards recycling that my conscience will not let me not recycle. At home, no cans get thrown away and if I see an empty grocery bag in good condition it gets reused. There is no cost to recycling and sometimes it may even put some money back in our pockets. Recycling is a good example of a public good and it creates many cost and benefit situations. I believe one day the recycling process will one day save our home, Earth. It has become a part of my life for these reasons and that is why I chose this topic. …show more content…

There are four types of goods private, public, common, and collective. Recycling is a public good which makes it non-rivalrous and non-exclusive, this means that you do not have to pay for it and no one is fighting over who practices it. it is not limited to only a few people and the more recycling there is, the better! It is non-excludable which means there is absolutely no charge for recycling, nothing is given up for it but you still receive many benefits from it. Not everyone recycles but when someone does everyone gets the same benefits from it and no one can really stop that. This situation leads to something called the free-rider

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