
Why Is George Washington's Farewell Address Still Relevant

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Today, politics vary drastically from what our Founding Fathers precedented in the genesis of the United States. September 19, marks the 208 anniversary of Washington’s Farewell Address, whether bad or for worse, George Washington’s insight is still relevant in today’s political stage of a dominant two political party platform. In George Washington’s Farewell Address, then former president Washington, states the possible weaknesses to unfold as a republic. The ideology of a political party with definite beliefs alters the opinions and pride held for the United States for the domination of one party. History within itself, has had multiple political parties for varying causes, however the split between the Democrats and Republicans, although …show more content…

It does not hurt to reflect upon history and to determine what should and should not be implemented as to correct our previous faults and thus not repeat them in borderline insane process. Furthermore, this presidential election has shaken both political parties as both of them are scrambling for party unity instead of creating other beliefs which resulted in a gathered hate against both political candidates. I proudly state that I have reconsidered my political preference during this election as I am sure others did too. Unfortunately, I firmly believe that political parties are the only way to inspire and gather people with similar beliefs and aspirations as it is the only way we know how to approach politics. The systematic organization of the political process and parties is held to a fault based upon prejudices and predisposed historical follies, from there causes the intolerance of ideology. As what Alexander Hamilton said “If men were angels, government would cease to exist” which poses a paradoxical situation of flawed mankind redirecting other faulted humans as there is bound to lapse of judgement between the ideal representation of government versus vice. There is definitely no easy way as to fix this problem as we are too in depth in it, however the idea

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