
Why Do Schools Should Start Later

Decent Essays

Suppose you are getting up out of bed to go to school in the morning. Your mom needs to arrive at work at 8:30, but your school just changed their start time to 9:45 because children at the school were falling asleep in class. You are forced to awaken at the same time you started waking up at, because your mom has to be at work. You have to go with your friend, who has his mother take him everyday. You have your mother take you at the same time as before to drop you off at your friend's house to wait. In most families both parents work, so how would they drive their children to school? This is the question for people who support schools to start later. Schools should not start later because it makes some kids not have a way of transportation, it makes fewer daylight hours for after school activities, and there are plenty of people going to school and going to college and passing at the current schedule.
Firstly, schools should not commence later because it makes some kids have no way to get to school. Justin O’Neill in his article, “Should Schools Start Later?” found that, “...Many parents would no longer have time to drive their kids to …show more content…

Liz Szabo, a USA TODAY medical reporter, quotes Daniel Domenech, executive director of AASA, the School Superintendents Association, in her article, “Most teens start school too early in the morning to get enough sleep”, “ ‘This has been going on forever, and kids have been graduating from school and going on to college,’ Domenech said. ‘It certainly doesn't seem to have hurt them all these years.’ “ This quote explains how early schedules have been going on forever. It also tells us about how we don’t get enough sleep, but they apparently did. Historically, children woke up earlier to feed their livestock. Teenagers today do not get enough rest because they are staring at a screen all night not because they are awakening too

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