
Who Is President Kennedy's Sympathy For The Civil Rights Movement?

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The civil rights movement era was a time of turmoil and struggle for the rights of many parties. One of those major parties was the African Americans, and although the process was long, they have finally won their battle for equality in 1964. Although President Kennedy did indeed feel sympathy for the struggle of the African American and planned out his Civil Rights Act campaign in secret, he had still feared that he would lose support from the White Southerners for his reelection. When Kennedy was killed on November 22,1963, and President Lyndon B. Johnson was incharge and lots of changes happened. President Johnson, although a white southerner himself, had a compassion for the struggles of the African Americans. He signed the Civil Rights in 1964, and the Voting Right Acts later in 1965. Although he knew he would be heavily criticized for it, he would do all he could to ensure the African Americans would gain their equality and freedom. His commitment to ensuring that minorities would achieve full equality surpassed Kennedy’s …show more content…

He believed the people would hear him now and fulfill it as it was Kennedy’s wish as well. It was well aware of how influential Kennedy was and it was the best time to push for the Act. Through that, he was able to make a major step towards gaining the rights for minority groups.
Kennedy put all his work and power into pushing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a much more harsher civil rights bill than even Kennedy had imagined. Johnson later decided to go with the Voting Rights . Thanks to this, Johnson made it the law that no discrimination was allowed and it made the blacks have a sense of hope as well as security. They felt that they too, can have rights and that they are humans. It gave them the courage to keep fighting for equality and stand up for

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