
White Flight : Atlanta And The Making Of Modern Conservatism

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The book “White Flight: Atlanta and the making of modern conservatism” by Kevin M. Kruse does not simply describes the migration of white population of European origin from racially diverse regions, it explains the reasons for the white flight, where Atlanta got an important role. Despite, its being one of the most important and of the largest scale migration in the middle of the 20th century, Kevin M. Kruse is the first who described the phenomenon in depth enough. Questioning the traditional point of view that white flight was not more than a simple migration of white population to the suburbia, this author argues that it meant a more important metamorphosis in the political beliefs of those involved. In a challenging review of American history in the postwar period, Kevin M. Kruse shows that conventional components of present-day conservatism, such as antipathy to the federal government and trust in free enterprise, were subjected to substantial changes in the time of the postwar fight against discrimination. “… white southern conservatives were forced to abandon their traditional, populist, , and often starkly racist demagoguery and instead craft a new conservatism predicated on a language of rights, freedoms, and individualism. This modern conservatism proved to be both subtler and stronger than the politics that preceded it and helped southern conservatives dominate the Republic Party and, through it, national politics as well.” (Kruse, 2005, p. 6). Similarly, the

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