
What Made The Laws And How Did The People Who Created The Law?

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Have you ever been in trouble with the law? Maybe you didn’t know the law or maybe you even did and still just decided to break it anyway. Well, today you will learn about who made the laws and the process they had to go through, what affects laws had, and see some examples of laws. First of all, who made the laws and how did they do it? The king and queen helped with making the laws but they weren’t the only ones. There were actually three other groups that laws had to go through for a law to be passed. The Monarch, Privy council, and Parliament. For a law to be passed the queen or king needed to create a bill, then it needs to be forwarded to Parliament. Parliament consisted of two houses, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. From there they had to actually pass the law. That is who made the laws and how they did it. …show more content…

The laws affected the citizens in many different ways. Most of the laws revolved around the citizens anyway since you make laws to keep order among the citizens. Some laws directly affected them while others indirectly affected them. For example, two people would have to go out and be “Surveyors of Highways” due to the Highways Act of 1555. Other laws like “Queen Elizabeth’s Second Act of Supremacy” didn’t directly affect citizens because legislature couldn’t pass laws under Queen Mary’s reign. That is how laws affected

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