
What Is Equilibrium?

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Equilibrium or the rest position of a wave is the line that goes through the center of the wave. This is the position at which a string would be if there were no disturbances running through it creating waves. The crest of a wave is the maximum positive displacement from the resting place or the equilibrium of a wave. The trough is the maximum negative displacement from the resting place or the equilibrium of a wave. The amplitude of a wave is the amount of displacement from the resting position or equilibrium of a wave to either the crest or the trough of the wave. One wave length is the distance between one crest of the wave and the next crest of the wave, one trough of the wave to the next trough of the wave, or equilibrium to equilibrium …show more content…

Frequency is the number of times a wave passes through a medium per second. Pitch is the measure of how high or low a sound is. Frequency and pitch are directly related. The higher the frequency of a wave, the higher the pitch and the lower the frequency of the wave, the lower the pitch. An example of this is when a soprano singer stretches their vocal cords making them vibrate more rapidly resulting in a higher pitched sound.
The loudness of a sound is created by the amplitude of a wave. The larger the amplitude of a wave, the louder the sound, and the smaller the amplitude of a wave, the softer the sound. This basically means that the larger the wave the louder the sound and the smaller the wave the quieter the sound. This is often seen when a person records sounds on a computer as taller lines representing louder sounds, shorter lines representing softer sounds and horizontal lines representing no sound at all.
Frequency of a wave and wavelength have an inverse relationship, as one goes up the other goes down. The larger the wavelength, the lower the frequency of the wave will be which leads to a lower pitch. The smaller the wavelength the higher the frequency of the wave will be which leads to a higher …show more content…

Destructive interference is when two waves that are not in sync or when their crests and troughs are not occurring at the same time, join together making one smaller wave or cancelling the wave out entirely, and because this decreases the amplitude of the wave it makes the sound softer or even nonexistent.
According to Dr. Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory the Doppler Effect is “the apparent change of the frequency of a wave caused by relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer.” As an object that is generating sound waves moves, the waves in front of the object begin to bunch up resulting in a higher frequency and a higher pitch and the waves behind the object being to spread out resulting in a lower frequency and a lower pitch. The Doppler Effect is the reason why when a siren approaches you its pitch gets higher and as it gets farther away from you its pitch gets

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