
What Does It Mean? An Effective Leader Or Manager?

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What does it mean to be an effective leader or manager? According to Whetten and Cameron in Developing Management Skills, “one of the most popular models of leadership – ‘Competing Values Framework’ – shows that skills fall into four categories: 1) Clan skills, focus on collaboration; 2). Adhocracy skills, focus on creation; 3) Market skills, focus on competition; 3) Hierarchy skills, focus on control”(Whetten and Cameron, 2011). In the SSS Software In-Basket Exercise, I had the opportunity to assess my current strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to management skills. The exercise put me in the role of Chris Perillo, Vice-President of Operations for Health and Financial Services, where I was asked to prioritize a series of …show more content…

For instance, I chose item 1 (responding to my CEO congratulatory email) as the top priority, followed closely by item 3 (potential discrimination lawsuit), and then item 6 (inter-company personnel issues affecting production). Within my internal positioning values, I also tend to lean towards stability and control and I believe a great deal of this is due to my science and business background. I like to manage time, stress, self-awareness, and perform analytical problem-solving. Some of my strengths, as they pertain to management within a team environment, are that I am an extremely dependable person who will get the job done timely, professionally, and accurately on a consistent basis. I can be relied on to do what I say I will do. I am very concerned with the accuracy of information, always wanting to get the facts right. Many would label me as a perfectionist. Some of my other strengths include my ability to inspire and motivate others. I have no problem sharing my data and knowledge to help others in the group succeed as well. I like to find the strengths within a group and push those individuals to capitalize on those strengths. This allows the group to become better and stronger than the individual players. Finally, I believe that I have the ability to analyze data with my strong critical thinking skills in order to complete the project, task, or mission on hand in an accurate,

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