
What Are The VANS Characteristics?

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The VANS is an American shoe manufacturer, based in California, is first founded in the year of 1966 by Paul Van Doren together with his brother James and two other partners, targeting active individuals primarily in surfing and skateboarding. Skateboarding during 1960’s – 1970’s was considered as a disesteemed sports, was not so respectable, among the dominant culture in the society as it was aligned with the anti-establishment, anti-Vietnam, and anti-war sentiment.

1.1 VANS’ customers’ key characteristics during 1960’s – 1970’s
1.1.1 Who are the VANS customers?
VANS customers include from twelve years old to early twenties youngsters, including high school students, and the Southern California surfers. Majority of the VANS’ consumers were school-based groups like marching bands, cheerleaders and sports teams since VANS could match the shoes with school preferences of colors.

1.1.2 What are the key customers’ characteristics?
During 1960’s and 1970’s, the skateboarders and surfers as the main customers base of VANS’ characteristics were determined by bottom-line possession, youthfulness and ability to customizing the sneakers. Moreover, many consumers of the VANS at that time were mostly rebellious, individualist, competitive and aggressive since surfing and skateboarding were perceived as disfavoring sports in the mainstream culture in earlier …show more content…

In other words, people who used to be customers of VANS shoes were decreasing. Moreover, the company faced with cheap counterfeits and imitations – people were given more choices as other footwear firms arose in the market with trendier designs and more reasonable priced shoes according to lower overseas production costs, causing the company to losing one of its value propositions of being affordable shoes with good quality brand and fashionable

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