
What Are Biological Organisms?

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Living in moving water, inhabitants of streams and rivers have a major problem with remaining in place and not being swept downstream. They have evolved unique adaptations for dealing with life in the current. The aquatic ecosystem deals with freshwater vs saltwater. A lake is inland depression filled with standing water. Zones are dictated by physical characteristics and control diversity of organism present such on plants based on how much water they tolerate and light levels.(Chapter 24-26 PP) Animals due to oxygen and food webs, Littoral, limnetic zones full of living organism-fish, plankton, periphyton, vegetation, and invertebrates. River and streams are all flowing water originates in a higher elevation from an underwater spring/seepage …show more content…

Decomposition high in slower areas due to insect activity. Estuaries are freshwater and saltwater mix and semi-enclosed bodies of water. Different organisms in each salinity zone such as anadromous fishes, oysters, eelgrass from nursery areas for many species larvae and juveniles Four major feeing groups within the stream community are gougers, grazers, collectors and shredders. Processing the leaves and other particulate matter are bacteria and fungi. Oysters are dominant organism about which life revolves and may be attached to every hard object in the intertidal zone. Organisms that live in isolated temporary freshwater environments must be adapted to a wide range of conditions and be able to disperse between habitats when their conditions change or …show more content…

Population growth rates are important as they structure the population (and thus the community and ecosystem!). Different species will have different population growth factors, and respond differently to external conditions. (a) What are the two types of population growth? Give two examples of each. (b) Species exhibit two predominant reproduction and growth strategies- what are they? What are the differences between each? Give two examples of each. (c) Species also exhibit 3 types of survivorship curves. What are they, and how do they differ? Give two examples of each. Two types of population growth are exponential growth meaning the population starts out growing slowly. As population size increases the growth rate also increases the higher the population becomes the faster it grows. Logistic growth are factors that are influential when the population becomes too large and crowded. Population growth slows and population size levels off. Species that in stable environments are likely to be K-strategists. Their population growth is controlled by density- dependent factors. Population size is generally at or near the carrying capacity. Whiles species that are typically short lived are known as R- strategists because they have high reproductive rates at low population density. Organisms that are r-strategist tend to be small, short-lived, and grow through irregular population cycles. It includes insects, annual plants, bacteria, frogs and rats. As for K-strategists species

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