
Western Imperialism In China

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In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, European and Western imperialism (British especially) gained foothold in China. The famous political comic entitled “En Chine -- Le gâteau des Rois et... des Empereurs” can be translated as "China -- the cake of kings and... of emperors." The title is a French pun on king cake and how the kings and emperors (and queen and other national figures) are splitting and hope to "consume" China. This 1898 cartoon shows a frantic Qing official watching Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, William II of Russia, the French Marianne, and a samurai of Japan dividing up a pie that reads “Chine” (China is French). This political cartoon is meant to be satirical as it presents primarily unattractive caricatures for the nations involved in the subject of the this famous image -- and that is the major historical event and process of Western imperialism in China in this time period. …show more content…

This cartoon pokes fun at the international imperialistic competition over China, which is depicted as a sleeping dragon with a racist caricature for a head. Many powerful nations of the era are depicted in this image as various animals. The animals that are most prominent are a Russian bear and British lion. Nations also shown to be fighting for imperialism in China are Japan (leopard), Germany (vulture), France (rooster), Austria (two-headed vulture), and Italy (wild dog). Perched in the upper left corner, the American eagle is shown to be observing the developments of the

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