
Was George Unjustified In Shooting Lennie Research

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Would you end your bestfriends life? I know i wouldn't, I personally feel George was not justified in shooting lennie. I don't believe George was justified in shooting lennie because first of all what George did was practically an execution which was an act of cruel and unusual punishment. Also shooting lennie was not Georges only option in protecting him. Lastly I feel George was unjustified in shooting lennie because lennie can not be held accountable for his actions because he is mentally ill . I feel one reason why George was unjustified in shooting lennie is because George basically executed him. George cruelly and harshly executed lennie without any warning. Leaving lennie helpless with no other chance than the fate George already decided for him which was death. …show more content…

George could have told the police he was mentally ill. Which lennie is, and they could have put him in a mental institution where lennie would still be

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