
Walter Fisher's Theory Of Communication Theory

Decent Essays

What comes to mind when you hear these? “Just do it.” “Taste the feeling.” “We will leave the light on for you.” If you said advertisements for Nike, Coca-Cola and Motel 6 respectively, you are correct. These slogans you may have seen or heard are a prelude to stories aimed to entice consumers.
Walter Fisher created the narrative paradigm in 1984. Our book lists several communication theories under the heading of group and public communication, with narrative paradigm being one of them. Fisher contends it is human nature to communicate by use storytelling or when reporting events. Contrary to what a person may reason, one need not have a good argument, rather, just a good story to tell. Storytelling has several purposes. Stories teach as generation after generation pass on a bit of culture and tradition. Stories allow people to relate to one another on a personal level and may invoke empathy or sympathy. Stories captivate and tug at people’s heartstrings which is what advertisers are placing their money on. “207 billion U.S. dollars is expected to be spent on ads in 2017.” (1) The narrative paradigm of storytelling is the ideal platform for companies to utilize in order to clinch sales from consumers.
Fisher wanted more than a theory for his work. He selected paradigm instead because a paradigm is a “universal model that calls for people to view events through a common interpretive lens.” (2) Narration is defined as “symbolic actions (words and/or deeds) that

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