
Virtue Ethics Essay

Decent Essays

In our society, I think most people relate happiness to physical and material pleasures. Happiness fluctuates as the new thing you had to have grows old. Trying to “keep up with the Jones” does not bring happiness in life. Hursthouse (2012) noted, “Virtue ethics claims that a human life devoted to physical pleasure or the acquisition of wealth is not flourishing, happy or living well, but a wasted life” (pp. 2). Personally, someone that is deceitful, selfish, greedy, self-indulgent, and yet enjoys great pleasure and appears to be quite happy would seem to not be flourishing. Aristotle ties people who practice good deed tend to be happy and flourish in life (Aristotle, 1931). Mosser (2013) noted, “For Aristotle, the virtuous person, is someone

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