
Virginie Play Script

Satisfactory Essays

Setting: Valencia Classroom Characters: Virginie, Julianna and Botello are all students in Freshman Comp 1. They are given the task to write a play for their final exam, but procrastination takes over; in an attempt to save their grade Botello takes on the role of Anderson Cooper, Julianna as Donald J. Trump and Virginie as Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential debate. Nater: VIRGINIE: Do you have the play? Julianna looks over to Virginie with confusion and shock. JULIANNA: I thought you had it !?! Botello: Are you guys serious right now? VIRGINIE: Check your bag Julianna Julianna vigorously searches her backpack for the play script JULIANNA: I can't find it! Nater: Need I remind you this is a final exam grade? You need to do something! …show more content…

Hillary takes a sip of water. JULIANNA/DONALD: Thank you, as I was saying- BOTELLO/ANDERSON COOPER: I'm sorry, but your time is up. Hillary your turn. While Virginie/Hillary speaks Donald constantly shakes his head, rolls his eyes, and mouths an audible "Wrong" "ISIS" VIRGINIE/HILLARY: Well Anderson I believe that goals are important for our health. Goals are a necessary component to a stable psychological and mental state, to overcome procrastination, and to lead a successful life. BOTELLO/ANDERSON: Donald would you like to respond? DONALD/JULIANA: A successful life she says? Many American have goals yet many our unsuccessful it's because ILLEGAL MEXICANS ARE TAKING AMERICAN JOBS! When I become president I will build a wall and we will make America great again and get rid of ISIS. I can promise you that, I will she won't. Julianna/Donald points to Virginie/Hillary Nater: ok that was something. I can't say you will get and A. BOTELLO/ANDERSON: See this why we shouldn't have procrastinated. VIRGINIE: Yea you're right. Procrastination is an unhealthy habit, and it makes us unable to meet deadlines and reach our goals. In fact everyone has procrastinate at least once, which lead them to be

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