
Veterans In The Military Essay

Decent Essays

Anybody that has served our country or still in the military, please stand up. Everyone look around, they are the ones that made the biggest sacrifices of them all. Joining the military and becoming veterans of the armed forces. So please give them an around of applause to honor their tribute as veterans. Thank you, you may now be seated. You open your eyes and awake with a new day. You had to some chores, long lists to check, and some annoying stressful challenge for the day. Someone you never knew now stands watching on a ship and thinking about his little baby girl his wife just recently gave birth to, and possibly may never see her father for a long time. After you finish your morning schedule, you then go to school. You put the keys in your car and drive up to school on the smooth road. During this time, a soldier helps a women cross a mortared damaged street. …show more content…

They fought for basic freedoms that most Americans today take for granted. Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the Bill of Rights were written in the blood of those who raised their hand when the greater good of our country was at stake. You may say that today, the fight is different; it is about oil and politics. Whatever the leaders of our country decide, after being duly elected freely by you and your fellow Americans, has to be carried out by the volunteers who are on the front lines of the American ideal. The Veterans gave up their lives of comfort, postponed their dreams for their family, and placed themselves in harms way because it was what you and your proxies asked of them. If you disagree with the reasons why the Veterans are in one part of the world or what they are doing there, you should let your opinions be known, by voting or by speaking or by writing. Make sure you place your dissatisfaction where it belongs, not on the backs of those who serve your interests but on those who sent them

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