
United States Constitution Summary

Decent Essays

The United States Constitution according to Oak Hill Publishing Company (2016) it is the most influential legal document. I understand how they determined that position because it was the model that built our legal system throughout the time since it was drafted, signed, and added to. The parts of the Constitution contains the Preamble, which is the purpose of the document and the Federal Government. Part two is the Government and the possibility of change. Finally, part three is the Amendments. There are 39 noted founders according to Oak Hill Publishing Company (2016) the level of conversation to build the document had to be interesting. It was noted that 70 were chosen to help change the Articles of Confederation because it was thought …show more content…

The term living document means that through interpretation from those in an official capacity as the ability to make changes to it. The change happened in the very beginning with the first 10 amendments. Congress in 1789 had requested 12 amendments and only 10 made the cut in 1791. The Constitution’s Bill of Rights was published. Following the bill of rights is the amendments 11 – 27. In 1869, amendment 11 was signed and in amendment 27 that is Congressional salaries is something that was started in 1789, and was ratified on May 7, 1992 (Oak Hill Publishing Company, 2016). That addition took a while. As I read these web pages and relived my education in school although I do not remember the “Constitution Day”, I do remember classes in school that seemed to last forever on the founders, constitution, and the government. I asked my 11-year-old if they did anything about “Constitution Day” in school and she said no. I asked a few other questions and it does not sound like the “Constitution” is taught the same. She knew the basic stuff but some of the five “W” she could not answer. I wonder if interest shortens due to the change in the

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