
Unbroken Book Report

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“He gave up drinking and smoking.” Louie did exactly this, because he knew the potential he had in running, and wanted to reach that potential. Louie is the main character in the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Almost the whole story revolves around him, and his magnificent life. Louie has grown from being a very troubled young boy, to being a very mature, giving, and humble young man. Louie was always getting in trouble in and out of school. Louie wasn’t aware of what smoking and drinking was doing to him, but his brother Pete was. On page 15, when the author explains why Pete got Louie into running, Pete said that he did it so Louie would stay out of trouble. The fact that Pete was able to get Louie into running was pretty amazing, considering what Louie had already gone through. Louie found a love for running, and stuck with it after wanting to quit multiple times. What Pete did for his brother probably saved his life, and I’m sure Louie probably knows that as well. Once Louie really started to get into running, he never wanted to do anything but run, and his goal was to make it to the Olympics. On page 17, “ When Louie set out to see what training …show more content…

When Louie found himself do very well at the Olympic Trials, he showed humbleness towards the other athletes because he didn’t want to be known as a cocky guy. When Louie congratulates everyone at the trials on page 27, him and the two other guys who did the best went to tell everyone good job. This idea from above is true, because Louie and his teammates were extremely humble no matter how good they did. During WWII after the 1936 Olympics, Louie and his Air Force crew get “lost at sea”. When Louie gets up to the ocean surface on page 125, he finds two of the people on his crew who survived the crash. This idea from above is true, because Phil, Mac, and Louie were the only ones to survive the crashing of their plane into the

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