
US Military Essay

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Many people are concerned about the U.S. military because of how many risks come with joining it. However, the U.S. military also explains the benefits that one could receive. Joining the military is a decision that should not be taken lightly. One must understand all aspects of the military. In order for a voter to be fully informed about joining the US military, one must consider both the risks, like mental illnesses and commitment and benefits, like education, and experience.
1. Risks of Joining the Military:
Mental Illnesses
Suffering from a mental illness is a common effect of joining the military that many people aren’t fully aware of. Specific mental illnesses one can suffer from are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and …show more content…

PTSD, depression, and the lack of treatment should all be taken into consideration when thinking about the military. Depression in soldiers can be caused by the length of deployment because they don’t see their families or friends for months.
Being in the military takes dedication as well as devotion because it is a big commitment that one must follow through with. Rod Powers, a writer, states, “Before you join, recognize the fact that a stint in the military is not civilian employment. It's not just like having a regular job. You can't just get up and quit anytime you want to" (Powers). One must be patient because this is a responsibility Powers also states, “Along with not being able to quit, there is also the factor of being deployed for months. Soldiers may find themselves spending up to seven months out of every year deployed” (Powers). A soldier must be able to handle being separated from family and friends for a good amount of time. This separation can cause stress and anxiety between soldiers and their families. Bruce Bell, a psychiatrist, and Walter Schumm, an author, clarify that, "Returning from deployment can sometimes be stressful and disappointing" (Bell and Schumm). Soldiers can return home to problems concerning money, children, spouses, or other relatives. In addition to stress, soldiers and families also get anxious. Bell and Schumm also mention that, “Unpredictable timing can

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