
U.s. Federal Common Core Standards

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While in a perfect world the government offices at all levels would coincide perfectly, without conflict, we live in a much more realistic world than that. There have been, are, and will continue to be many conflicts amongst the federal and state governments. Texas, in particular, has dealt with many political issues and laws involving, but not limited to, social, environmental and educational issues. Due to the conservative views that the majority of office seat holders in Texas have, and being a Republican state, since Obama has been in office that has just made the tension between the two levels of the government stronger. The main issue that Texas has been faced with over the last two years when it comes to education is the …show more content…

Those with the Federal government that are for the Common Core Standard argue that the Standards are not curriculum. “It is important to understand what the Common Core is not. Most importantly, the Common Core is not a Curriculum… Equally important the Common Core does not prescribe a particular teaching style: effective teachers can have very different styles.” (Schoenfeld)
The Texas government was so against adopting the Federal Common Core Standards that in 2014 during a session, the “legislature passed a law prohibiting the state or local districts from using Common Core standards.” (Dallas News) “Many teachers fear change, or have an aversion to it, because of its moral implications. Some teachers worry that the newest rendition of the system “will not work or make matters worse”. However, many teachers realize these changes are necessary because research constantly shows many first- year college students are unprepared for undergraduate work…” (Burkes). Texas has their own school standard education policy implemented, TEKS, or the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. And “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it….” Sort of the mentality Texans have about bringing the Common Core Standards into Texas’ schools. Texans counter argue with the pro- Common Core groups that even though the Common Core Standards aren’t

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