
Tuskegee Syphilis Code Of Ethics

Decent Essays

The infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study was a blatant exposure of unethical research in the real world. The researchers who participated in the study had failed to get informed consent from the subject, and the plight of the subject only came to the fore after four years when a number of them had succumbed to their illnesses initiated by the researchers. This study was a deliberate disrespect for human rights that occurred in the mane of research. An assumption of consent or involving participants who have not volunteered to be used in a research is perhaps a grave example of unethical element in a research.
A number of key terms describe the system of ethical considerations that the modern research establishments have set up to protect the rights of research subjects. Voluntary participation and confidentiality are principles that demands that the respondents to be free from coercion in any way when participating in the research, protected in the raw data, and published …show more content…

Productivity refers to what can be produced at a given time with the least resources and effort. Productivity can also be defined as the ratio that estimates ho properly an organization converts its resources into goods/services or financial results such as profit. Workplace settings can be perceived as the pressures, situations, stresses, aggressive, demographic, social, regulations and technological elements that affect the operations, survival, and growth of organizations.
Hence, it would be important for a researcher to explore how work place safety practices of policies affect either employee productivity or the general organizational productivity. The following research question can be developed along this proposal to pursue further light on the issue
• How the safe workplace practices has affected worker productivity in manufacturing

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