
Triple Helix Case Study

Decent Essays

Triple Helix Model Innovation System as a Solution to Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Indonesian UMKM

The Triple Helix Model was the creation of synergies and consolidation among the three elements that are academia, business and Government. The goal is for economic development in a sustainable way. The author tried to develop a system of Triple Helix Model to make UMKM industry integrated and comprehensive. The author tried to assert relationships between actors in this economic model and make systematic arrangement which can synergize the role all three continuously. When all three collaborate in one place, it will be a formed very strong system in an attempt to strengthen the Indonesian UMKM. In these systems, the first time the Central Government make an economic program delegated to the local …show more content…

Training efforts based on local potential. An understanding of local potential continue to be developed. Then participants UMDP also has the ability and expertise to capitalize on the potential that exists as the economic value of business opportunities by providing added value.
d. Training of managerial effort (finance and marketing). Provide expertise to participants regarding business management strategy is UMDP professionally.
e. Evaluation through the entrepreneurial project. After being given the lack of knowledge, next is the implementation on the UMKM itself.
f. Development of UMKM will be monitored continuously by a business mentor and if there is a constraint, UMKM may seek consultation and advice from mentors.

With the existence of a synergy between Government, academics, and businessmen through Mentoring UMKM Development Program (UMDP), then the benefits are:

1. Develop UMKM until the national on an ongoing basis.

2. Enhance competition in the domestic market. Because every UMKM constantly improve the quality of its products vying to go

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