
Triangle Sweatshop Research Paper

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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was introduce as vehicle spark growth between the United State and the European Union. The US and EU represent the most developed, modern and committed to the highest consumer protection in the world. It is the T-TIP goal to capitalize on the relationship by providing economic growth and more jobs to US and EU to 13 million jobs already supported by transatlantic trade and investment. It is the T-TIP goal and desire to cut the edge and tariff agreements to allow for greater compatibility and transparency, in trade and investment regulations, while maintaining high level of health, safety and environmental protection. The Edge Act is a 1919 amendment to the US Federal Reserve Act 0f 1913, which …show more content…

This is where tariffs hinder the growth of the firm and the state. Growth is only achieve through expansion of markets. There is also a very dark side to mass production. On March 25, 1911, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New York City burned, killing 145 workers. It is one tragic manufacturing accident in American industrial history. The Triangle Shirtwaist Company a true sweatshop, employing young immigrant women who worked in a confined space with rows of sewing machines. Most of all the employee were teenaged girls who did not speak English. A typical work day was 12 hours long 7 days a week earning $15 dollars a week. It was a Saturday afternoon, 600 employees were at the factory when a fire began. As the fire grew, the workers panic. They tried to exit the building by the elevator but it could hold only 12 people. Desperate to escape the fire, the girls left behind jumped into the elevator shaft or out windows to their deaths. The girls who exited the stairwells did not survive as well, they discover they were locked in the stairs and were burned

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