
Transportation Logistics and Economic Decline: Politics, Infrastructure and the Recession

Better Essays

Transportation Logistics and Economic Decline: Politics, Infrastructure and the Recession

Final Project

Ricky Dartez – 4171437

TLMT498, Summer 2012

Dr. Ernest L. Hughes
October 28, 2012

Table of Contents
The Scope of Logistics’ Economic Impact..…...………………………….……………………….5
The Economy of Logistics: Macro and Micro Perspectives…………….…………………………8
Impacts of the Great Recession……………………………………………………………….…..10
Transportation and Politics………………………………………………………………….….....14

This paper attempts to explain the cyclical …show more content…

Because the economic opportunity of the nation’s populations is dependent upon efficient transport systems; which, in most cases, are dependent upon a publically-funded infrastructure; which, in turn, is dependent upon the economic strength of the populations; there exists a cyclical interdependence not unlike that which exists within most supply chains. In this sense, we can view our country in terms of a large supply chain where the economy represents the finance department, the population represents the labor, and the nation’s infrastructure is representative of the distribution network—inefficiencies in any of these areas ultimately produces inefficiencies within the other areas.
The Scope of Logistics’ Economic Impact.
Since the strength of the U.S. economy is greatly dependent upon consumer spending levels, the impact of logistics and transportation, as a function of logistics, greatly impacts the economy in several ways: direct impacts, indirect impacts, and related impacts (Rodrigue & Notteboom, 2012, para. 2).
Direct impacts. Logistics and transportation directly impact the economy by providing access to employment, adding value to products, increasing market areas. The transportation industry in particular is a major contributor to the economy because its divisions form and support the foundation upon which the

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