
Traditional Marketing And Sports Marketing

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Traditional marketing and Sport Marketing have similarities and differences. Being able to understand the similarities and differences would help someone comprehend both principles. Both principles share the Marketing Mix or 4P’s of marketing. The 4P’s are product (or service), place, price, and promotion. As defined by McCarthy and Perreault (1988), the marketing mix refers to the controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy a target group. I will explain the differences of the 4ps in traditional marketing and sports marketing. In traditional marketing business companies have to make sure that they are providing the right product. Determining the product is essential in business. For instance, Pepsi Co. has defined its product as cola soda. Likewise in sports marketing a product needs to be defined also. A sports agent’s product is the athlete. He or she has to represent the client well enough to get preferred contracts or top dollar endorsements. There has been some debate as to what constitutes the “core” product in sport marketing. For example, some posit that the core product is the actual event. On the other hand, if we applied a mainstream marketing definition, the “core” product is the benefit that consumers seek from a product, service, or experience, therefore taking the focus off of the actual event. (Masteralexis, Carol & Mary, 2012) However, sport marketing and traditional marketing share differences when it comes to product. With

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