
To Kill A Mockingbird Coming Of Age Analysis

Decent Essays

Shelby moody
Pre IBDP English 9
January 12 2016 Coming of age
This universal theme coming of age definition is socially, physically, or psychologically growing up. Coming of age is something that people understand and experience during their childhood. It is a universal theme because all cultures have experience coming of age in some form.In the book To kill a mockingbird a ten year old boy named Jem demonstrates this universal theme through S the age of thirteen.
Jem changes physically during the book, for example “ His eyebrows were becoming heavier, and … a new slimness about his body.He was growing taller”( Lee, ). Then Jem proudly shows scout his first chest hair and says that he is “goin” out for football next year. Shows that he is growing up and becoming a man.Scout notices Jems changing during the book” His hair stuck up behind and down in front, and I wondered if it would ever look like a man's-maybe if he shaved it off and started over, his hair would grow back neatly in place.”(Lee,225). This displays that he is reaching puberty because it shows he is growing body hair.
Mental change is …show more content…

Showing that he has the courage to stand up for his father, even though Atticus stands up for himself. When the mob came for Tom Robinson Jem wouldn't Leave Atticus Because he knew that the mob wanted Tom Robinson and Atticus would not let that happen. For example “Jem shook his head. As Atticus's fists went to his hips, so did Jem's, and as they faced each other I could see little resemblance between them: … but they were somehow alike. Mutual defiance made them alike” (Lee). Even though Atticus wanted Jem to go home Jem would not go because he wanted to protect his father form the mob. He is worried about his father, and his sister. He stands his ground. Atticus makes threats and pleas, but Jem refuses. Scout finally comes to conclusion that “Jem had his own reasons for doing as he did”

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