
Time For The Family : America 's Newest Luxury

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Time for the family: America 's newest luxury The new century, as well as the individuals that experience it, had presented many challenges, as terrorism, wars and economy. These result to be evidence that society just like a river, is in constant movement and change. We may not attempt to fully understand its factories and phenomenons, but instead develop a sense of conscience and constant learning from our own culture. As result of this changes, people’s relationships at home as well s work suffer significant modifications that did not result convenient for the standard family in america. The definition and structure of family changed besides the requirements and expectations in the different professions and jobs that exist in human communities. Work and family are two human institutions that are widely related and essential for our culture as a society in which the first social experience is earn at home. Plus work, more than a need for progress, is a trait of humanity and it constant pursuit to overcome its own achievements. When the factors that humanity has created change these institutions, humanity is changing society and in long term changing itself. Many writers like Tyagi and Walls had agreed against and pro of this change that affect beyond the general understanding. Examples of the issues addressed by these authors were the need to find a balance between work and family plus the end of the stay at home mom era. These issues as well as

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