
Theoretical Frameworks Of Learning, Discipleship And Constructivism

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Discuss how children learn with a focus on one area from a selection of current priorities drawing on relevant literature, research and practice from a critical perspective

This essay will discuss two theoretical frameworks of learning, Behaviourism and Constructivism. Then examine the orginin, need and importance for ability grouping specifically to aid the gifted student. It will then analyse evidence of a child from block School Experience (BSE) 1 and relate theory to practice.

Learning can sometimes appear to be a very simple thing, understanding how we learn is not as straightforward as it may seem. Numerous definitions and theories of learning indicate the complexity of the process.

David Fontana (1985) considered learning as a relatively persistent change in an individual’s behaviour due to experience, associating the outcome of learning as the behaviour. In contrast Norah Morgan and Juliana Saxton (1991) argue “effective teaching depends upon recognizing that effective learning takes place when the students are active participants in ‘what’s going on’” demonstrating a more constructivist approach to learning where more attention is paid to what is going on inside the child’s head and the mental processes taking place.

Behaviourism ignored the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness, describing all behaviour as being caused by external stimuli. The works of behaviourists Ian Pavlov (1849-1936) and Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990) explored

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