
Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Janie the Mule The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God follows the life of a beautiful female named Janie Crawford. Throughout the story, Janie demonstrates the struggle to escape being shaped into becoming a submissive woman. She encounters three men who each attempt to make her a submissive wife. In each of her relationships with these men, she is either obliged or pressured to follow their orders. Although Janie struggles to hold on to her independence, she manages to persevere every time. Janie is a strong independent woman who does not allow herself to be suppressed.
For example, in Janie’s first marriage, she is hardly treated as a wife. After a brief phase of “foot-kissing”, or, being lenient and doing Janie’s chores for her, her husband, Logan Killicks, eventually begins to “treat her as just another person who works on his farm” (Cardona). When Logan tells Janie he plans to run two plows and is going to buy a mule that a woman can handle, she intentionally ignores his hint of putting her to work.
Janie refuses to succumb to her husband’s slight suggestions of helping out with farm work. Janie changes the subject instead; obviously dismissing Killicks idea that Janie should work for him (Hurston, 27). Janie avoids this mildly suppressive relationship by leaving Killicks and marrying another man.
In Janie’s second marriage, she is forced to work for her husband in his store. The suppression of Janie in this relationship is more intense than in her previous marriage.

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