
The World Council of Churches

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After the First and Second World War the WCC felt they were responsible to bring back the social ethics and world politics back to a Christian point of view. Oldham and Niebuhr both lead the charge to help create a world in which based its values and beliefs off a Christian perspective. The ecumenical movement moved away from talking about a “Christian civilization” and a developing a Christian political party, but the felt responsible to bring back the mass society to realize they are the sons of God. Critics of the old left had stated that every man should have the freedom to believe whatever it wants. They wanted the general public to have a society in which, freedom was the main idea and wanted people to be responsible for their own actions. They wanted them to have responsibility for their own actions, and they should base their actions in a Christian way. This counters a mass society because in a mass society everyone is different. Not everyone will have the same point of views when it comes to religion. There are many people in the world who believe there is a God, but they do not have a personal relationship with him. This will cause them to not make the same decisions as someone who has a personal relationship with Him. The WCC felt responsible to keep a Christian society because if they didn’t keep it that way many Christians would look at them as letting the world go to more a secular point of view. A responsible society looks like people who are well off and

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