
Salem Witch Hunt Essay

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“Witch Hunt” is a term often thrown around whenever a group of people is being sought out and punished for their actions, regardless of whether they are actually guilty or not. Throughout history, there have been hundreds of different “witch hunts”, and not all of them have been hunting for witches. A few examples include the persecution of Muslims in post-9/11 USA, the sexual assault allegations of male celebrities and politicians being brought to light in 2017, and the search for communists through McCarthyism in the 1950’s. The most famous witch hunt that involved witches, though, occurred in a small village in Massachusetts called Salem, in 1692. But what caused these trials, and what made them so different from all of the others? There were no witches in Salem, but there was the impact of a sexist society on teenage girls, a desperate grab for land, and a malfunctioning legal system that allowed innocent people to be put to death. These are the three main causes of the famed Salem Witch Trials. The Puritans had very strict rules and opinions regarding women and children’s lifestyles, and being a teenage girl was considered to be both. Women were supposed to be subservient to men, obedient and quiet, hardworking and respectful. Children were supposed to be stoic, seen but not heard, helpers around the house, and were considered to be miniature adults. However, reality does not tend to reflect ideals. The girls in Puritan Salem were anything but obedient and quiet, and

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