
The TH1 Response

Decent Essays

The TH1 response is cell mediated and promotes inflammation while the TH2 response is an antibody response and anti-inflammatory. When excessive, the TH1 response can cause extensive tissue damage. TH1 responses are characterized by IFN-gamma production. IFN-gamma produces macrophage activity and causes B cells to create a coating of Abs. This creates a cell-mediated response. This is effective against invaders that are inside of the host cells. In a cell-mediated response, the APC phagocytizes the invader via macrophage, monocyte, or dendritic cell. Next, the antigen enters the lymphatic system via lymph node. The APC presents the antigen to T cells where the T cells recognize the antigen and cytokines are secreted to search and destroy …show more content…

o IL-5: eosinophil activation and generation; comes from TH2 cells, mast cells, eosinophils o IL-10: works with IL-4 to counteract IFN-gamma and IL-12; comes from monocytes, TH2 cells, CD8+ T cells, mast cells, macrophages, B cell subsets o IL-1: activates T cells; comes from macrophages, B cells, monocytes, dendritic cells o IL-17: potent chemotactic factor for neutrophils; comes from T Helper 17 cells (Th17) o TGF-beta: promotes wound healing at the end of a response; comes from most immune cells or …show more content…

You know (I hope!) that T-cell recognition of antigen is MHC restricted, meaning that the TCR will only bind antigen presented by self MHC molecules. Yet, this restriction is not dictated by the genotype of T cell. How can this be? (10 points) MHC restriction means that T cells can only recognize the Ags that are presented by their own MHC molecules. After an invader enters a cell, it is broken down to an antigen and is brought to the cell to be presented to T cells by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II. When T cells develop, they go through a selection in thymus so that the TCR will not recognize self, meaning that the TCR will not recognize and MHC that is presenting a self-antigen. More in-depth, immature T cells that are found to be able to recognize invaders on self MHCs are kept, but others that will not be of any use or recognize self-antigens will result in programmed cell death. Because a TCR will only recognize certain MHCs and not others, this is the definition of MHC restriction. The MHC restriction comes from the thymus that you were born with rather than genes. This was shown through an experiment with transgenic mice. They showed that the transgenic T cells matured in the thymus and went into the peripheral lymphoid organs. This only occurred if the mouse had the same allelic form of the MHC recognized by the TCR. If the mouse didn’t have the match between MHC and TCR the T cells died in the thymus. This showed that the

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