
The Story Of The 12 Spies

Decent Essays

The story of the 12 spies seems to be a story of doubtfulness. Everyone has a sense of doubt because we are human beings. Life is full of obstacles that you must get over. All obstacles are able to be conquered, however our most mighty warrior is God. He must learn to not doubt his ability to bring us through the many storms he places before us. He uses these storms to test our faithfulness in Him.
In this part of the book of Numbers, the spies are sent to look into the land that had been promised to His people. The part that stood out was the two different stories that came back and how the ten spies had no faith in the ability of God’s promise.
Time after time, God proved to the people of Israel that nothing could defeat them if they just believed in His word and be faithful to His will. The Lord promised Abraham that his people would be a mighty nation, Abraham believed and was one of God’s most faithful servants.
God used Moses to bring the people out from under the enslavement of Pharaoh. He brought them through the Red Sea, however the people still doubted that God was powerful enough to bring them to their own inheritance that waited for them.
The people of Israel, just like people of today, were impatient. Everyone wants instant gratification. In my workplace, we have new employees that have worked there less than six months and feel they are entitled to the same things as the employees that have put in work for ten years and over.
I feel this was one of the

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