
The Role Of Primary Carers On Children

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Similarly Bronfenbrenner recognised the importance of primary carers to children, his ecological system proposes that children are affected by many social factors and those closest to the child have the greatest impact. In the ecological system the parents and family are represented by the micro system, they are closest to the child and have the most influence them and their learning potential. (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Therefore it is essential that the early year’s educator has a positive relationship with the parent for consistent and effective learning at home and in the setting. As well as recognising that parents have influence on their children the ecological system shows the environmental factors that have impact on the child and family; Bronfenbrenner defines the next layer of the ecological system, the mesosystem, as “the relationship between factors within the microsystem” (Kay, 2008:269) this means that the relationship the parents and educators within the child’s setting has an influence on the child; affirming just how crucial it is for practitioners to be in partnership with parents. From a social constructivist perspective, parents and carers are key in child development. Vygotsky theorized that cognitive development was achieved through social interaction. He stated that without the support of a ‘more knowledgeable other’ (MKO) children were unable to build upon their knowledge of a particular subject. The MKO may refer to a parent, teacher or peer. (Atherton

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