
The Role Of Power In The Movie For Love Of Water

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I’d first like to make a regard to the notion of power, as discussed in the module. Power, as has been noted, is constantly being negotiated within unequal and dynamic relationships (Kilman Module 5). Power dynamics can be asserted in a multitude of ways, through institutions and governments or even in our personal lives. It’s highly important to keep this notion of power and power dynamics in mind when referring to the global water crisis.
The water crisis is something that affects everybody around the world to a certain degree. The water crisis in the United States may vary from the water crisis occurring in less developed regions. However, we all face one same issue in that water isn’t an infinite resource. With that being said, the water crisis in poor regions has an entirely different set of issues to address in addition to impending water shortages.
The film FLOW – For Love of Water addresses several water issues around the globe. In the United States, we have issues concerning water shortages along with water contamination due to chemical usages. In the Western world, issues concerning water may be at the back of our minds. We may drink tap water without a second thought, or we may turn to bottled water if we don’t trust our tap water sources. Most of us may believe that our government agencies look out to provide the best water for us. However, we may not realize the intentions of those behind “water industry” such as the World Bank and IMF. The Environmental

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