
The Role Of Confucianism In Ancient China

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For ages, Confucianism, as the ritual standard throughout the history of Ancient China, has an enormous impact on the development of Chinese cultural and Chinese society in numerous ways. Admittedly, the philosophy of Confucian was adopted by many emperors and helped them to create a stable and structured society. However, Confucian studiers kept women subservient to men, which they claimed that women were a part of their male’s counterparts or asset rather than an individual. Confucian’s doctrines contributed a lot to the moral codes that should be complied by women, especially in Song dynasty, which the introduce of Neo-Confucianism brought some changes to women’s position in this specific dynasty. The marriage of women and their …show more content…

Instead, marriage was arranged by go-betweens or decided by their parents, who always emphasized on family importance. This was largely due to the marital relations, which as a vital part in children’s filial piety to their parents. With the influence of Confucianism, when parents considered to choose a wife for their son, the primary concern was to ensure that the selected women were qualified to continue the family line successfully, rather than focusing on choose the potential soulmate for their sons. In their opinions, the couple could still live together, produce their descendants and continue the family without romantic love. Unlike the free choice marriage based on love and beauty, the traditional arranged marriage could largely ensure that the family could be continued. Additionally, for many males in Song dynasty, the loving wife simply meant she was a good inner help who could let her husband focused on other man’s …show more content…

For example, Song regulations allowed widows to name an hier, without any interference from her husband’s relatives. However, in terms of her husband’s property, widows did not own the ownership, but rather acted as a caretaker and waited for her son could manage the property by himself. As a result of the rise of Neo-Confucian led by Zhu Xi, the new concern of widow’s authority appeared, which emphasized on Confucian patrilines and ritual

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