
The Rhetoric Of Celebrity Rhetoric

Decent Essays

The rhetoric of celebrity endorsement in the current US political campaign
In an age were social media sits at the forefront of global connectivity and communication, the political arena has never had been more exposed the unpredictable nature of public engagement and response. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the formality and ceremony of traditional political engagement has, to an extent, been abandoned. Throughout the course of the 2016 US presidential election, celebrities have used their status and personal platform to voice their stance in the debate and name their preferred candidate. This essay will explore: The current trends of celebrity rhetoric in the current campaign and how each respective party compares; how celebrity translates or carries authority and creditability in this arena; and how social media and digital platforms have been employed to share, spread and generate public debate based on this form of rhetoric. Therefore measuring the public response, success and criticism towards current celebrity endorsements.

As prominent leaders of the digital sphere, the value of the celebrity voice as a vehicle for political endorsement is rising. It is not the idea of celebrity endorsement that is new but the platforms and the reach that they afford has expanded. Wheeler (2012) has described this shift as the ‘interlinkage between political rhetoric and behaviour’ as ‘part of a historical continuum which offsets the modernist dismay directed to the

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