
The Rain Man Essay

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The Rain Man The Rain Man stars Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. The movie was made in 1988. The movie is about an autistic man named Raymon, who is a idiot savant played by Dustin Hoffman and his fast, talking self absorbed, egocentric brother Charlie Babbitt, who is played by Tom Cruise. A egocentric person is a person with the simple recognition that every living thing views the world from a unique, self-oriented perspective(LIFE: Inherently Egocentric written by James Craig Green Charlie is a car salesman whose business is going down hill. Charlie and his girlfriend are on their way to Palm Springs when Charlie gets a call from his friend and co-worker. He tells him that his fathers' …show more content…

In the mean time Raymon gets up and starts wandering. After Charlie gets Raymon back to his seat he decides to give in and tells the waitress to get them some toothpicks so Raymon can eat. She accidentally drops them when she and Raymon run into each other. He quickly counts how many have fallen to the ground. First he mumbles 82 then he mumbles quietly for some time and says there are 246 toothpicks on the ground, as they're walking away Charlie asks the waitress how many toothpicks there are in the box. She says 250, then says there are 4 left in the box. This is where you first realize that Raymond isn't just mentally disabled but is a idiot savant. This is a rare condition where people with severe mental handicaps have a spectacular ability in one skill or area. Half way through the trip Charlie decides to take Raymon to a doctor to actually find out what is really up with him. When Charlie is done filling out the forms he hands them to the nurse and she reads it and says, 'is he artistic';, Charlie says ,'no he is Autistic';. Autism is the developmental disorder, usually appearing before age three, characterized by impaired non-verbal and verbal communication, including abnormal speech patterns or loss of speech; lack of eye contact; a restricted range of interests; resistance to change of any kind; obsessive repetitive body movements, such as hand flapping or spinning; a lack of awareness of the existence or feelings of others; social

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