
The Question Of Life 's Meaning

Decent Essays

The question of life 's meaning is a wide topic that touches on areas including life 's essence and purpose. The notion of life holds a fundamental position in Schopenhauer 's metaphysics of will and appearance. He states that life 's inner essence is the simple "will to live" (Klemke and Cahn 36). Arthur Schopenhauer was among the great philosophers of the 19th-century who contended the argument of the universe as an irrational realm. Inspired by Kant and Plato, Schopenhauer developed an instinct-recognizing, ascetic outlook, which emphasized the world as one filled with strife (Klemke and Cahn 42). According to Schopenhauer, humanity ought to minimize its natural desires so as to achieve tranquility and dispositions to universal beneficence. He interpreted death as the purpose and aim of life, maintaining the idea that living is to suffer. Life, according to Schopenhauer, is constant death, with its triumph as inevitable. When questioned on life 's meaning, he stated, "One 's life reflects his will, whereby, the will is an irrational, painful, and aimless drive" (Klemke and Cahn 45). In his pessimism, he stated that "life without pain is not meaningful", borrowing great influence from his knowledge in Buddhist and Hindu philosophies (Klemke and Cahn 48). Buddhist philosophy identifies the universe and all its existence as a mere illusion. It is in belief that we only know the world from our own perspectives, which inevitably distort reality. According to Buddha, there

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