
The Qin Dynasty: Warring States Period

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Qin Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty was the first united empire after the Warring States Period (Hyde). During the Warring States Period, the area of the Zhou Dynasty was separated into eight states. These states were ruled by kings and the states would often go to war, fighting for land. However, around 221 BC, Emperor Qin conquered all of the states, and combined them all into the Qin Dynasty (Wu).
The Qin Dynasty was the most significant dynasty in ancient China’s history. During this dynasty, the walls of the Great Wall of China were first joined together to be built as China’s defense system, protecting China from northern invaders ( With that communication was made easy because language was standardized (Wang). Along, with communication, transportation and trade were established. Both of these were established, since road and canals were being built, and currency was standardized (Peralta). All of these advancements ended up playing a major role …show more content…

Han Dynasty ended up using the accomplishments made in the Qin Dynasty as a basic foundation to build upon. For example, the ba liang coin made in the Qin Dynasty was used in the Han Dynasty, except the form and weight of the gold coin changed ( The reason why Han Dynasty was established was because of the Qin Dynasty. If the Qin Dynasty wasn’t before the Han Dynasty, the advances made in the Han Dynasty would’ve have happened. If the Qin Dynasty was never even in history, I don’t think there would’ve been a Han Dynasty. Qin Dynasty was the first dynasty to standardize the Chinese language and currency (Wu).The construction of crucial roads and canals were built during the Qin Dynasty. Han Dynasty used all of these accomplishments made in the Qin Dynasty, therefore the Qin Dynasty in the most significant dynasty, because without the good foundation started Han Dynasty would’ve something to add onto

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