
The Pros And Cons Of CSR Benefits For Companies

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2. CSR benefits for companies
Through globalization the gap between the rich and poor has increased, while the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This can be one of the many reasons why companies choose to be more social responsible as CSR aims to reduce conflicts between stakeholders. Although, individuals are aware that more companies are producing social responsible goods, companies can benefit from CSR practices in different ways. When companies decide to be socially and environmentally active, not only will the society and the environment benefit from the companies ethical practices, but they can also differentiate themselves in today's competitive market.
In addition, CSR may improve and increase customer loyalty, through positive …show more content…

Lee, Park and Lee (2013) can support the correlation between employee attachment and CSR. Nonetheless, CSR activities in a company must be aligned to the corporate culture. Only then employees perform better and are more motivated to work under ethical standards. Moreover, employees appear to be more proud to work for companies that have good external reputation which also results in lower turnover rates. However, as well as consumers, employees must understand why their company support CSR, once understood it will result in positive word of mouth and might attract prospective …show more content…

However, if companies express their responsible activities heavily, consumers become sceptic and question the truth behind their behavior. Therefore, finding the right strategy to communicate a company's social activities is very difficult. Increasing competition requires firms to implement new innovative marketing strategies. Furthermore, there has been a shift from traditional to non-traditional marketing communication. Nowadays, social media, mass communication, buzz marketing and word of mouth are widely used. To be more precise, the communication pattern in marketing has changed from B2C to B2C2C also known as word of mouth (Moriarty, Mitchell and Wells 2014). Moreover, according to these authors, humans encounter more than 3,000 advertisements daily, which is the reason why more companies have difficulties to capture the attention of the

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