
The Pompeii Exhibition

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When I attended the Pompeii exhibition, several antiquities from different sections captured my attention. The first section allows one to experience how a Pompeii citizen would spend the day in the city. From the lively and vibrant markets and shops to relaxing Roman baths, this city had it all. The first object to catch my eye was a water sprout in the shape of a satyr.The water spout was made of two main components. The first element was a circular disc made of bronze and attached to it was the satyr. On the border of the disc laid meticulous designs that closely resembled leaves. As for the satyr, on its head rested a wreath composed of leaves. With high arched eyebrows, frown lines and tight lips, the satyr is a perfect representation …show more content…

Made of terracotta, this statue was easily over six feet tall and it represented a male actor impersonating a female character. The actor in question was wearing a floor length short-sleeved dress. Even if the dress lacked motifs and intricate designs, the soft creases that ran along the entire dress brings a feminine touch to the overall image. Another factor adding a feminine touch was the detailed hair updo. Both of these soft and delicate features contrast greatly with the face of the character. Unlike the rest of the features, the character’s face is harsh. This had to do with the mask that the actor is wearing. With his eyes and mouth wide open, he is projecting strong emotions. During that time period, since men were the only ones allowed to participate in theatrical plays, they were required to wear masks to present a character. This sculpture expresses the importance of activities and shows how far people were willing to push boundaries just for the sake of entertainment. I was impressed by this figure as nowadays play producers look for a certain type of person to play a certain role whereas back in time, men only had to wear mask to portray a

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