
The Policy And Procedures For Implementation Of Selected Security Controls And Control Enhancement

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a. The policy applies to the MVAMC and related associated with families associated with Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOCs) and all security information that collected, transmitted, used, processed, stored, or disposed of by or under the direction of the staff or its contractors.

b. This document is intended to address the establishment of policy and procedures for implementation of selected security controls and control enhancement in the MP, PE or SC family. Policy and procedures reflect applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directive, regulations, policies, standards and guidance. The procedures can be established for the security policy is general and for particular information system, if needed. The organizational risk management strategy is a key factor in establishing policy and procedures for VA (OI & T).

c. All users responsible for implementing the policy and procedures outlined VA Directive Handbook 6500, as well as VA National or Contractor ROB will provide copies of the documentation.

d. Violations of security policy or procedures will be brought to the attention of management for appropriate disciplinary action and reported in accordance with local and national OI & T Media Protection Reporting policies and standard operating procedures.

e. Security requirements also apply to all VA or contractor-operated services and information resources located and operated at contract facilities, at other government agencies that support VA mission

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