
The Plague Of Fast Food Restaurants

Better Essays

Dru Olson
English 1A Sec V18
27 October 2015
Plague to Society Plague; as defined by is a widespread affliction, calamity, disease or evil. Fast food has become this plague for America, outgrowing and overrunning the United States since the opening of Ray Kroc’s first McDonalds restaurant in 1955. According to Leslie Patton, reporter for Bloomberg Business, by 1983 6,000 McDonalds franchises covered the U.S. and for the next two decades the restaurant has opened about 360 outlets in the U.S. every year. (Patton, “Have We Reached Peak Burger?”) This fast and steady growth has encouraged rivals like Burger King and Wendy’s to do the same; oversaturating communities with corporate giants. The takeover of fast food franchises has had a direct relation to our health epidemic among American citizens, the decline in quality of life and the abuse of employees, and even livestock associated with such franchises. The abundance of fast food restaurants in communities, especially those of lower income, influence consumer dietary choices and intensifies obesity among adolescents and adults. Obesity is a major health concern in the United States; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than one-third of American adults are obese, and that obesity related conditions such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes are the leading cause of preventable death. A study by the “Retail Food Environment Index,” shows that the number of unhealthy

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